AngkorFeed Branded Content Policy

What is Branded Content?

Branded content is content that promotes another brand or its products or services in exchange for payment or other benefits. This includes content featuring or mentioning:

  • A product or service given to you by a brand;

  • A brand, product, or service you're paid to post about (either in money or a gift);

  • A product or service where you earn a commission on sales (like through an affiliate link or promo code); or

  • A brand you have a commercial relationship with, like being a brand ambassador.

Rules for posting Branded Content:

  • You must make sure any Branded Content you post follows all relevant laws and rules. While these rules in the Branded Content Policy aim to help you follow laws and rules, they don't cover everything. You should know about other legal requirements that might apply.

  • When posting Branded Content, you also need to follow AngkorFeed’s Terms of Use and Community Guidelines.

  • If your Branded Content doesn't follow these rules, we might remove it or apply other restrictions.

  • We may update these rules occasionally (for example, to reflect changes in laws or regulations), and sometimes we may need to apply them to content you already posted (like if a new law says we can't show certain types of content).

When posting Branded Content, here are the key things you need to do:

  • Enable Commercial Content Disclosure: Use the commercial content disclosure settings when posting your video. Enable the toggle to indicate the content is on behalf of a third party. This automatically labels your content as Branded Content. Depending on the law, your content might be added to the AngkorFeed Commercial Content Library and might remain there even if the original content is deleted or altered.

  • Clearly Present the Product/Service: Make sure the product or service you're promoting is clearly shown or mentioned. Users should not need to visit your profile or click any links to understand what you're promoting. Explicitly identify the product or service in your speech or text caption.

  • Avoid False Claims: Do not make any false, misleading, or deceptive statements about the products or services.

  • No Illegal Content: Don't post content that promotes illegal products or services.

  • Avoid Prohibited Industries: Do not promote products or services related to any industries that are prohibited.

  • Country-Specific Requirements: Be aware of any specific legal requirements or restrictions in certain countries or regions. Your content might be restricted or not accessible in certain places, especially if it involves products or services with additional legal requirements.

  • Prohibited Practices: Do not use hidden or indirect techniques; show respect for human dignity; avoid any discrimination; do not encourage harmful behaviors; protect minors from harm and avoid exploiting their trust; and do not show minors in dangerous situations or encourage them to persuade others to buy the advertised products or services.

When posting Branded Content, you should avoid promoting products or services from these Prohibited Industries:

  • Adult and Sexual Products and Services: This includes adult entertainment, pornography, sex toys, lubricants, fetish costumes, and specific types of underwear like corsets and micro-thongs.

  • Age-Rated Films, TV Shows, and Games: Any films, TV shows, and games that have age restrictions. However, there might be some regional exceptions.

  • Alcohol: All types of alcoholic beverages (like wine, beer, and spirits), alcohol clubs or subscription services, kits for making alcohol, and events sponsored by alcohol companies. This also covers non-alcoholic or low-alcohol alternatives and soft drinks marketed as alcohol mixers.

  • Animals: The sale or purchase of animals, as well as any products or parts from protected, endangered, or threatened species. This includes organs, horns, ivory, bones, skin, fur, wool, leather, or teeth.

  • Cigarettes and Tobacco Products: This category includes cigarettes, cigars, all forms of tobacco, e-cigarettes, containers for cigarettes, shisha, vaporizers or vape devices (even those without tobacco), and any related products and services.

  • Contraceptive Products and Services: This involves any products, services, methods, or techniques - medical or otherwise - used to prevent or terminate pregnancies, including abortion-related services.

  • Dating and Live Video Applications/Services: This includes any services for dating or live video chats that focus on romantic connections, casual sex, sexual favors, or friendship.

  • Drug-Related Products and Services: This covers illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, recreational and prescription drugs, and CBD supplements.

  • Financial Products/Services/Opportunities: Avoid promoting foreign exchange, loans, credit cards, 'buy now pay later' services, debt consolidation or settlement, investment services, money management, trading platforms, pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing, credit repair, bail bonds, penny auctions, virtual currencies, cash or paycheck advances, payday loans, and any 'get rich quick' schemes.

  • Gambling: Includes online gambling, casinos, social casinos, sports betting, fantasy sports, bingo, lotteries, and other gambling-related content.

  • Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, and Medicine Products: Do not promote medical treatments, pharmacological products with health claims, over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs, vitamins, and products like powders, shakes, or gummies claiming health benefits. This also includes teeth whitening and hair growth products.

  • Products/Services that Enable Dishonest Behavior: Avoid products or services that infringe on privacy, steal personal information, violate intellectual property rights, assist in theft, fraud, or falsification.

  • Professional Services: This includes accounting, legal, and immigration services.

  • Weapons, Ammunition, or Explosives: Do not promote firearms, firearm parts, silencers, suppressors, paintball guns, bb guns, non-culinary knives/blades/spears, tasers, nunchucks, batons, swords, pepper spray, fireworks, or other explosives.

  • Weight Loss Products/Services: Avoid promoting weight loss clinics, supplements (fat burners, appetite suppressants, detox teas, lollipops), and fasting products/services. Some regional exceptions may apply.

  • Counterfeit Products: Do not display or promote counterfeit documents or unauthorized replicas of real products.

  • Other Prohibited Products/Services: Avoid controversial, distasteful, violent, or dangerous products/services. This includes international brides, hazardous chemicals, human organ trade, prenatal sex determination services, and protected wild flora. Also, do not use Branded Content related to sensitive events or topics (like deaths, disasters, attacks, civil disorders) for personal attacks, selling goods/services, political campaigning, soliciting followers, or other inappropriate content.